Free Google Maps Listing For Your Business

Did you know you can list your business, even multiple businesses on Google Maps for free?

When someone does a Google search and adds a location such as a town or city in their search, depending on the relevance and distance, you may show up on top.  Try it.  For example, search on “plumber dover” and look at the top results.  Cool, huh!

Heck, you don’t even need a website! All you need is a free Google account to list your company.  You can create a easy listing that includes your address, contact information, hours, description of your comany, and payment options.

Videos and pictures can be added to your listing, if you so desire.  Select up to 3 categories, and voilla, you are done!

How to create your own free listing  

Go to and click on “put your business in Google maps” on the left.  Click on “add new listing” and enter all your pertinent information and click next.  It’s fast and easy, AND FREE! 

For more information on my copywriting or marketing consulting services, please visit my website at

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