Article marketing – increase traffic to your web site quickly with this simple online tactic.

Writing short original and informative articles about your area of expertise has been proven to get more visitors to your web site. Plus it gives you the added advantage of being perceived as an expert in your field.

And if you think about it – being seen as an expert surely can’t hurt you, can it?

Some have more time than money to spend on developing a business or building traffic to a website, and article marketing is one of the best techniques that you can use.

So… exactly how do you go about this whole thing then?

There are online article submission directories that accept articles. One of the most common and well respected ones is Many of them will let you submit articles for free.

For more article submission sites, just Google “article submission sites” and you’ll come up with a ton of them.

Writing articles is give and take.

You “give” in the article content, making sure not to obviously market yourself. Make sure you give valuable information to the readers. After all, that’s why they’re there in the first place.

Your “take” is what’s called the resource box, which is a place where you can usually display a short bio, maybe a picture, a tagline, and the URL of your website.

The resource box is the only place you can openly promote yourself and your website.

Here’s a short interview where author and coach Roger C. Parker of  discusses advantages of articles at

The biggest advantages of article writing are a) they’re usually free, b) if you have a good article and resource box, you’ll get more clicks to your web site, and c) you will be seen as an expert.

The disadvantage is you have to spend the time to write and submit the articles. But…if you have more time than money to promote yourself – this won’t be a problem, will it?

So what are you waiting for? Start writing today.

To get more information about how to write effective articles and resource boxes that can increase your traffic, sales materials that develop trust and relationships, about this post, marketing advice, or about my direct response copywriting services, e-mail me or call me at 603-686-5140.

Visit for Website design, SEO copy, or online marketing strategies.

To your marketing success!

Merrill Clark
Website and Marketing Copywriter
Crestview Marketing Services LLC

6 thoughts on “Article marketing – increase traffic to your web site quickly with this simple online tactic.

  1. EzineArticles Guy


    Spot on! 🙂

    The Article Body is the GIVE;
    The Resource Box is the TAKE.

    One thing to add: Your resource box should be brief and benefit-driven… ie: Give a very specific call to action that is related to your expertise and provides value for your target client.

  2. Roger C. Parker

    Dear Merill:
    Thank you for the kind mention. Several people have mentioned seeing your blog post.

    Articles submitted through have, indeed, treated me nicely. Without any cost, and minimum time, I’ve driven thousands of readers to my various sites during the past six months.


  3. My article network

    Yup for inbound links, Article marketing is the best this to do, addiing these article to SBM’s and then adding RSS to them, is really the best waqy of building links

  4. Article Marketing Tip

    Great article. I think that when marketers focus most on the give part, they will see great gains with the take part.

    For instance, I recently came across a fellow marketer who took the time to make a really useful article…then in his resource box, he was actually giving away a decent ebook and some software too.

    After reading something like that, you come away with so much more…and feel almost indebted to the writer. 🙂

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