Beware of bogus official looking Domain Name emails

Beware…If you have a website (and hopefully you do), chances are you’ve received a very official, government looking email with a subject line like “Domain Notification – This is your Final Warning”.

Well… you’re not alone… I get them too. Often, my clients get them and forward them to me thinking their websites or domain names are expiring, which is not true.

And I gotta come clean with you – it is kinda scary looking when you first see it…. (click on the picture to read more)

That is – until you actually read it and know what it really says.

It actually has nothing to do with your website or domain name or anything else expiring.

It’s just a deceptive sales pitch that uses fear and an official-looking design to make you think nobody will ever find your website again…

Unless you pay their fees to do “search engine submission”… which in reality, is a service you don’t need to pay for.

It’s pure garbage

Okay… some will say that it’s just good marketing, and that’s okay. Personally (and even though I’m a marketing guy), I think it’s pure deception, and consider it completely bogus.

They prey on people who don’t completely understand how domains and hosting work, induce fear into the hearts of unsuspecting readers, then try to get them to sign up for a useless service.

Don’t get me wrong… fear is a great motivator in sales copy… but only when it’s used properly, and for a product or service that’s at least somewhat legitimately helpful.

So when you get emails like this one, read it completely to make sure it’s either legit or not. And if you’re still not sure, contact your website person to help you clarify what it is.

And if I can prevent only 1 person from wasting money on this useless crap, I’ll be happy.

Let me know if you got an email like this, and what you thought.

Leave me a comment below…

If you want help with your marketing strategy, writing effective sales copy, have any comments, or have a marketing project you’d like help with, e-mail me or call me at 603-686-5140

If you need help with website design, writing SEO optimized web copy, email marketing, or other online marketing strategies, I can help!

To your marketing success!

Merrill Clark

Website and Marketing Copywriter

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