“Marketing Gems 101”

“Practical and proven direct response marketing and copywriting
advice for today’s business owners, sales reps, and marketers”

Courtesy of Merrill Clark & Crestview Marketing Services


What’s The “Big Idea” In Your Sales Copy?

One of the most important (and profitable) copywriting tips I’ve learned over the years is to make sure you incorporate a “big idea” into the headline and lead of a sales letter or web copy.

The lead is usually considered the first page or so of the letter that’s purpose is to draw the reader into the letter, and if done right, will practically force them to want to keep reading.

I define the “big idea” as the unique angle or point that gets people’s attention by tapping into their emotions and there are a number of lead types.

One might be – asking a question that’s already on your reader’s mind…why…because questions engage your reader.

Or it may be a story that tugs at the heart of your reader (by the way, stories can be very powerful in your sales copy)

Another common and effective lead is AIDA – which stands for attention, interest, desire, action.  Your headline gets attention, then your first paragraphs spark their interest, you create a desire for your products, and finally, you get them to take immediate action.

Now you’re probably wondering how to come up with the “big idea” for your sales copy – the one angle that will practically force your readers to read your copy.

First, you must know your prospect. And I mean know them intimately. What problems they have, what keeps them up at night, and other things like that.

Then, you have to be able to define the one key angle that shows how your product will solve their particular problem, quickly and easily.

And believe me – this part of any copywriting project is often the hardest part!

Plus, if you don’t really know your prospect as well as you should…chances are…you’ll never find the right hook to write successful sales copy.

Depending on the purpose of the copy, you can spend hours and hours researching (and you or a copywriter should be doing this) your prospect, your own product benefits, and your competition.

This is the only way you’ll ever come up with the “big idea” that will turn your sales copy into a winner!

Hopefully, this will give you a leg up writing sales copy that rakes in the dough.

Till next time!


If you have an advertising or marketing project and want me to provide a quote to write money-making sales copy – click here!


Merrill Clark- Direct Response Copywriter
Marketing/Website Consultant
Crestview Marketing Services LLC


Do you want to get more qualified leads and clients from your Website, advertising or marketing campaigns?

If maximizing every marketing dollar with direct response copywriting and marketing techniques is important to you, then please contact me right away (my contact info is below), and I’ll be happy to provide you with
a complimentary 30-minute initial consultation, a $50 value.

You see, if you send out postcards, space ads, sales letters, follow-up letters, brochures, e-mails, or need a new or more effective website, you’ll consistently get more new leads and customers than you ever have before when you use the direct response sales copy I can provide.

If you have specific questions or would like to discuss a project you have coming up, please call me at 603-686-5140, or e-mail me.

I will reply as soon as I can, usually within 48 hours.

More information about direct response copywriting and marketing, online and offline, and services I offer can also be found on my web sites at and

Copyright © 2007 Crestview Marketing Services LLC
All rights reserved

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