There’s one tip to use when you create your business card that will make ’em stand out from the rest, plus you’ll get better response from the people who see them, because they will actually read them and keep them.
When I say this, most people think:
“Okay, I’ll make sure to use full color on both sides using heavy, glossy stock.”
“Then I’ll put in some really cool, eye-catching graphics and colors. That will surely get people’s attention.”
So what’s the big deal? Everyone seemingly knows these tricks. (if that’s what you call them)
Well…you are right. Business cards designed with those features will get people’s attention…for a minute – only because they might be flashy and look nice – not because they necessarily want to do business with you.
But don’t you hand out business cards so people will know what you do, remember you, keep your card, and give you new business?
My tip actually serves a more useful marketing purpose: It gets their attention, but it also immediately tells them how you can help them with your product or service.
Tip: Instead of putting your name and/or company name in big bolded letters, (like most cards do), use a direct response type headline instead.
Basically – Write a headline that shows people how your business will benefit them if they use it.
And if you pair a great headline in a big bold font with a nice picture of yourself (for secondary branding purposes), you’ll get more business because people will see a big benefit right away, while your competitor’s cards only sport their name and company.
Here’s an example using my own business card: (which, by the way, has caught more than one of my current client’s attention)

Effective Business Card With Headline
It quickly conveys how I can help my clients get new clients by writing “words that sell”. If my company name was there instead, all it would tell someone is that I probably offered something to do with marketing, and that’s it.
So – what can you do different with your business card?
Get your propect’s attention – in a good way – so they will keep know what you can do to help them?
Remember: They’re thinking – “What’s in it for me!”
What do you think about this technique? Have you used it or another successfully?
Let me know.
To get more information about writing effective sales copy, about this post, marketing advice, or about my direct response copywriting services, e-mail me or call me at 603-686-5140.
Also visit for help with Website design, writing SEO copy, e-mail marketing, or other online marketing strategies.
To your marketing success!
Merrill Clark
Website and Marketing Copywriter
Crestview Marketing Services LLC
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