Today is Part 9 of the 15 Profitable Marketing Power Tips you should use in every marketing or advertising technique you use to promote your business.
Did you know that you can get higher response when you include exact numbers in sales copy and headlines, as opposed to using rounded off numbers?
“It’s true”… according to well known copywriters such as Clayton Makepeace and Bob Bly.
But when people write sales or ad copy and headlines, they usually don’t know the numbers, or they’re plain lazy, so they just round off, or use numbers that sound impressive, but aren’t accurate.
And what happens?
Often they don’t sound true, and the copy sounds weak and kind of wimpy.
Profitable Marketing Power Tip #9:
Use actual specifics in all sales copy and headlines.
It will make your copy and headlines much more powerful, plus it will sound more believable to your readers.
This will boost your response rate.
Here’s an example:
Bad – How Mike C. from ABC Company saved thousands over a year’s time simply by changing his company’s health insurance plan.
Good – How Mike C. from ABC Company saved $3,142.00 in 9 short months simply by changing his company’s health insurance plan.
See the difference?
Do you agree?
To check out the previous tips you may have missed, the links are below:
Part 1 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 2 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 3 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 4 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 5 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 6 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 7 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 8 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
To your marketing success!
Merrill Clark
Website and Marketing Copywriter
I got your business card from Gregg Dollarhide and have just left a voice message for you. Then I was looking at your website… I’m so sorry about the death of your son. I cannot even imagine how painful such a lose must be. We send our sincere sympathy.
Thank you Paula.
I’ll get in touch with you today or tomorrow.
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