Today is Part 11 of the 15 Profitable Marketing Power Tips you should use in every marketing or advertising technique you use to promote your business.
Today’s topic is… The surefire way to destroy your marketing strategy and your business.
Quick story from a client–
We were talking about the recent Stratham Fair, a small community fair that’s held every year, and usually draws people from all over.
At the fair, there were a number of vendor booths promoting local businesses and their services to the public.
Most of them had sheets you could fill out to get more information about them.
So that’s great marketing, isn’t it? Companies building up a list of interested prospects, right?
Well… my client signed up and gave his personal contact information to six different companies he was interested in.
And after four weeks, guess how many of them followed up with him or sent out information to him?
If you guessed three or four – you’d be wrong.
Okay…how about one or two?
You’d still be wrong.
The correct answer about how many companies followed up… a BIG FAT ZERO. Zero out of six did NOT follow up. Absolutely stupid decisions by those companies.
I wish I knew who they were, cuz they sure as heck need some marketing help.
Think about it. Why go to they trouble and expense of paying for a booth, manning it, and collecting prospect information, (from people who are telling you they are interested) if they’re not even going to follow up?
Jeesh… They might as well just throw their money in the toilet.
If you know me, you know lack of follow-up is a pet peeve, and it really ticks me off.
Profitable Marketing Power Tip #11:
When somebody is interested enough in your products or services to willingly give you their sacred contact information – for goodness sake – FOLLOW UP with them.
If you don’t, you’re just killing your marketing machine, and putting the brakes on any momentum you have going.
Not to mention, when you are waiting for someone to contact you or send you information, and you never hear from them, doesn’t it really piss you off?
It does me.
Do you agree?
To check out the previous tips you may have missed, the links are below:
Part 1 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 2 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 3 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 4 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 5 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 6 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 7 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 8 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 9 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 10 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
To your marketing success!
Merrill Clark
Website and Marketing Copywriter
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