Let’s discuss Part 14 of the 15 Profitable Marketing Power Tips you should use in every marketing or advertising technique you use to promote your business.
If you own or manage a business, and are responsible for generating new prospects and clients with advertising, then you can use this technique to increase response to any of your sales copy.
Let’s face it. There just aren’t too many of us who like to listen to people talk about themselves. (except for the ones doing the talking, of course)
How often does this happen to you?
You’re at a networking event, and some guy in a suit comes up to you and introduces himself.
The next thing you know, he starts rambling on and on and on about himself, how wonderful he is, and how he’s the best thing since sliced bread – but do you really care about how great he is?
Personally, when that happens to me, I just wanna throw up.
But that’s just me. And you probably want to know what it’s got to do with marketing, anyway.
What would have happened if instead of him talking about his greatness for five minutes, he would have asked you some questions about yourself, your business, and what kind of business problems you faced? How would you feel then?
Maybe like he was more interested in you and how he could help you, than in himself?
Hmmm… Novel idea, huh?
Let me ask you this…
Have you ever read an ad or a website that did the same exact thing… “we do this”, or I’ve been there and done that”, or we’re the best”?
Of course you have – most of ’em are! Unfortunately, that’s what most people write… about themselves, not what will get results.
But what they should be saying … is about you … and how they can help you.
You’ve heard it before – “What’s in it for me!” or WIIFM.
That’s what people care about – themselves – not you. People are inherently selfish and are usually motivated by their own needs and wants.
Profitable Marketing Power Tip #14:
Every word in all of your marketing copy should speak directly to your prospect and their problems, and how you can solve them.
So after you write sales copy, go through it and look for the words I, we, ours, and us. Then rewrite those sentences using “good words” like you, yours, and you’ll. You should be using the “good words” about three times to every time you use a “bad word”.
Your marketing copy will be smokin’ hot, (see how I used it), because your prospects will be reading about themselves, not you.
Do you agree?
To check out the previous tips you may have missed, the links are below:
Part 1 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 2 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 3 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 4 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 5 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 6 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 7 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 8 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 9 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 10 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 11 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 12 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 13 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
To your marketing success!
Merrill Clark
Website and Marketing Copywriter
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