Author Archives: Merrill

Turn more customer quotes into new sales

Does your business do this?

You give an estimate or a proposal to your potential customers, with the hope that a certain percentage of them will turn into sales and profits.

Even though there are actually several stages of a typical sales cycle…

  • Generating qualified leads who request an estimate (I’m going to use “estimate” to also mean a quote or proposal)
  • Delivering the estimate
  • Following up with the lead
  • And the best part – sales and profit… Yeah!!

Today, I want to focus on the actual estimate.

This is where the rubber meets the road, and you have the biggest opportunity to turn your potential customer into paying customer.

I’m going to show you a real-life example of a very effective and powerful “Estimate Package” that one of my web copywriting clients, On Top Home Improvements, uses in their business. (with their permission, of course)

First… a little background…

The client is a Maryland home improvement company who does roofing, siding, windows, etc. For consumer protection purposes, the state requires they have a Contractor and a Home Improvement license.

Professional Customer Quote and Proposal

Professional Customer Quote and Proposal

Now when people call up for estimates, they could do like everybody else, and hand them the written estimate… but these guys go MUCH further…

You’ll see it’s not the normal verbal quote, or 1-2 page hand-scratched or computerized estimate you get from most businesses…

But it’s a professional looking folder, probably half an inch thick, jam-packed with the estimate, and also all the information a potential customer could possibly need to make a smart buying decision.

They add value to all of their estimates by including…

  • A cover letter that clearly explains what’s included in the folder
  • A professional and comprehensive estimate
  • Written testimonials from similar type customers
  • Proof of insurance coverage (actual copy of certificate on red paper)
  • Proof of State licenses (again, actual copies on green paper)
  • Written Warranty Certificate
  • Proof of expertise with copy of Manufacturer Certifications
  • Product information brochure
  • Business card with all the contact info

This makes them totally unique and different from all their competitors, and by most accounts, gives them a distinct advantage over everybody else, allowing them to convert more of their estimates to paying customers.

Dan Kennedy, a well known marketing expert would call this a “shock ‘n awe” package, because it WOWs people with so much great information, and may even keep people from getting competitive quotes.

Note** You could use this same concept as a follow-up package sent or delivered to people requesting more information about your products and services.

So… think about how you can apply this approach to your business right now.

You can get started today by simply picking up some good looking folders at Staples, and build a portfolio of inserts that will be valuable and informative to your potential clients, showing off your unique strengths.

Make them think you’re the ONLY option to consider.

And if you need a copywriter to write your cover letter or other marketing inserts in your Estimate Package, let me know – I’d be happy to help you create a package that will put your competition to shame.

Let me know, just send me your comments below.

If you want help with your marketing strategy, writing effective sales copy, have any comments, or have a marketing project you’d like help with, e-mail me or call me at 603-686-5140

If you need help with website design, writing SEO optimized web copy, email marketing, or other online marketing strategies, I can help!

To your marketing success!

Merrill Clark

Website and Marketing Copywriter

Join my discussion by leaving a comment below…



5 ways to get more clients from your home page

How to write email subject lines that practically force your readers to open them

It’s a fact that e-mail marketing and follow-up is a powerful and effective tool to generate leads and sales…

Seriously… There are no postage and printing costs to worry about, so the total cost of sending a promotional e-mail is next to nothing. You just need a list of names and e-mail addresses, plus some kick-ass e-mail copy.

So why aren’t more businesses getting results?

It’s like this… no matter how many e-mails you send out, the first thing that must happen, and one of the keys to a successful e-mail campaign is getting the recipient to open the darned e-mail.

The percentage of readers who open your e-mail is called the open rate, and the percentage can be pretty dang low.

Okay, so how do we boost the open rates?

The best way to increase the open rates of your e-mails is to use a powerful subject line – one that makes them want to open it and see what’s inside.

But unfortunately, that’s where many e-mailers stumble.

You see, most e-mail subject lines are boring, uninformative, or full of words that shoot it right on down to the junk or spam folder, where you’ll probably never even see it. (In reality, sometimes good subject lines go there, too)

And guess what? If your email isn’t seen, it sure as heck will never be read.

Here’s an inexpensive resource that will show you the secrets to killer e-mail marketing systems, e-mail copy, and online marketing.

Here are some different tips anyone can use to create a subject line that will get your e-mails opened more often:

  • Inform them of something valuable or important
  • Use intrigue
  • Personalize it by using the recipient’s name
  • Include your “brand”
  • Ask a provocative question
  • Introduce a special offer

Your subject line has the same purpose as a headline – you need to get your reader’s attention and interest so they will open your email.

And then you need to test, test, test. Then you will know what headlines work the best in any given situation.

How does your e-mail marketing stand up? Let me know.

And if you need help setting up your e-mail marketing system, or writing emails that get results, contact me

If you want help with your marketing strategy, writing effective sales copy, have any comments, or have a marketing project you’d like help with, e-mail me or call me at 603-686-5140

If you need help with website design, writing SEO optimized web copy, email marketing, or other online marketing strategies, I can help!

To your marketing success!

Merrill Clark

Website and Marketing Copywriter

Join my discussion by leaving a comment below…

Does your web copy read like a bunch of vague, meaningless words?

Can your prospective customers AND Google decipher your web copy?

Today… you’re gonna get a short and sweet – but extremely valuable – website lesson…

First… you must understand that when you do a Google search, they try to display results they think are most relevant.

So let’s look at a real example of a printing company’s web copy to show you what I mean.

“The evolution of integrated digital printing as a service industry to the public domain has never existed on this level. Although the technology has been available for some time, machines like the DReAM machine have only been used for in-house production printing…”

First… when Google looks at the page, they can’t tell what the company does (what does integrated digital printing really mean, and who is going to search for that specific phrase?)

Most people don’t care about or read meaningless, corporate style, vague language (except for the person who wrote it).

Second… I’m guessing their visitors won’t understand what this company does, either. (if they show up at all Confusing web copy is bad for businesson the search results)

So… what does this company really do?

They print brochures, and postcards, and direct mail for small and large businesses.

What will most people likely search for?

Brochure printers, business cards printing, etc.

My point is this:

Make sure your web copy isn’t a bunch of garbeldy gook, corporate style, fluffy, nonsensible words that sound impressive, but tell the reader absolutely nothing about what you do and how you can help them.

Write clear, concise, and descriptive words that include the language your target readers will be looking for.

Only then will you get a chance to get that new client. Nobody wants to be confused, ever!

If you need help converting your product or service, no matter how technical it is, into simple language that a 5th grader can understand, give me a call today.

How does your web copy measure up?

Let me know, just send me your comments below.

If you want help with your marketing strategy, writing effective sales copy, have any comments, or have a marketing project you’d like help with, e-mail me or call me at 603-686-5140

If you need help with website design, writing SEO optimized web copy, email marketing, or other online marketing strategies, I can help!

To your marketing success!

Merrill Clark

Website and Marketing Copywriter

Join my discussion by leaving a comment below…



5 ways to get more clients from your home page

Political and business marketing: The unobvious difference

For any business, many organizations, and sometimes individuals, effective marketing

  • Grabs the attention of the target market
  • Conveys a message that resonates with them
  • Offers them something helpful, unique, or valuable (or any combination)
  • Persuades them to take a specific action – basically… “Do this… and get that”

Now you reel ‘em in and offer them your unparalleled products and services, right? (at least, they should be great). I mean… nobody wants to be fooled with great marketing, only to find out what they buy really sucks!

Now… let’s change hats and think about politics for a minute (yea… I know… it leaves a bad taste in my mouth, too, but hear me out)

Spend millions just to sell crap

Politicians are their own products and brands. To succeed, they need to sell themselves, so you’ll vote for them, not the next guy.

They’re basically promoting themselves, spending millions of dollars to market and advertise using giant postcards, self-mailers, letters, TV ads, radio ads, robo phone messages, and even the debates.

In essence, they pay for marketing to buy your vote.

But the real problem as I see it (this is my personal take, not based on proven facts) is that marketing may be super great – but the end product you’re buying – the politican – well – is the lowest quality, absolutely terrible.

Again, this is only my personal opinion… but this is the difference between political marketing and business marketing.

In most instances, business marketing promotes good products and services – politicians… not so much.

Politicians promote themselves like heroes, but in reality, once they get elected, you only get lies, scandals, and untruths. What they want to give you — NOT what you thought you bough into, based on their millions of marketing dollars spent.

Of course, this isn’t always true, but I think it is most of the time.

Do you agree? Disagree?

Let me know, just send me your comments below.

If you want help with your marketing strategy, writing effective sales copy, have any comments, or have a marketing project you’d like help with, e-mail me or call me at 603-686-5140

If you need help with website design, writing SEO optimized web copy, email marketing, or other online marketing strategies, I can help!

To your marketing success!

Merrill Clark

Website and Marketing Copywriter

Join my discussion by leaving a comment below…



5 ways to get more clients from your home page

You cannot write good marketing copy for your business

Start off 2012 positively, with a bang, by checking out this quick tip that will help you avoid this common copywriting mistake.

First… What’s the first thing that crossed your mind when you read this blog headline?

Most likely, you’re gonna think one of these two things…

“Oh yeah – you’re full of crap buddy – just watch me!”

You see it as a challenge, and you just love a good challenge.

Or… you think…

“Yeah… you’re right… I suck at writing copy that gets customers and prospects to respond”

Reacting to negative sales copy

Negative copy is bad

It’s such a negative statement, telling you what you can’t do. I don’t know about you, but I get tired and depressed with “negative” all the time.

Sure… it may have got your attention in the headline. But what if you saw negative statements like that in a letter (doesn’t even have to be a sales letter)?

Would it turn you off? Maybe enough to stop reading? Certainly enough to not take the action the letter writer wanted you to take?

Now you might be thinking… “Ok Mr. smart guy copywriter… what’s another way to write the same headline – in a positive way that would increase the odds someone would continue to read and take action?”

Here’s the original:

You cannot write good
marketing copy for your business

Let me think for a second … Ok… how about?

You, too, can write great sales copy…
Even if you’ve never written a letter in your life!

Do you see the difference?

Original – You can’t (negative, turn-off) vs. the new and improved (positive) – You, too can

Positive words work better
Positive works better!

You see, just like speaking, there are usually several different ways to say the same thing. As the saying goes (which is true)…

“It’s not necessarily what you say – but how you say it.”

And positive words are generally more effective at getting a response from the reader than negative words.

It all goes back to who your reader is, the point you want them to get, and the action you want them to take.

So… go back through your copy, and rewrite any sentences or statements that sound negative, and put a positive twist on it.

Have a positively GREAT 2012! 

If you want help with your marketing strategy, writing effective sales copy, have any comments, or have a marketing project you’d like help with, e-mail me or call me at 603-686-5140

If you need help with website design, writing SEO optimized web copy, email marketing, or other online marketing strategies, I can help!

To your marketing success!

Merrill Clark

Website and Marketing Copywriter

Join my discussion by leaving a comment below…



5 ways to get more clients from your home page

Here is a super low cost way to follow up with your customers

Do you use this powerful, simple, low-cost follow-up tactic to increase your profits?

I want to share with you this very short story that reminded me of one underused marketing idea that will kill two birds with one stone, so to speak.

After receiving items I’d ordered on-line for Christmas gifts, I was especially impressed by two of the companies.

Follow-up marketing with a Thank You noteNo… it wasn’t the gifts that impressed me (though they were pretty cool, too), but actually the notes and cards that were tagging along in the boxes.

So what’s this got to do with marketing and profits?


Inside both boxes was a simple note or card that accomplished several important tasks. (Actually five)

  1. They personally thanked me for my order, showing some appreciation for my business. Plus, it was signed by a real person, not a company or computer. How many times do the businesses you spend money with show any kind of appreciation? In my opinion, not enough.
  2. They offered a time-sensitive special 20% discount on any item I ordered from them before the deadline, and gave me a special coupon code to use. (This special code will also work as a great way for them to track response rate)
  3. The order was another reason for them to follow-up with you, using the thank you reason. And every reason to “touch” your customer is a good one.
  4. They included several ways to contact them to order, or if I had any problem with the order I just received.
  5. They directed me to their special web page that had more special offers as up-sells. Up-sells can and do work well in many types of businesses to increase sales and profits at a much lower cost, because you’re already on the customer’s mind. Plus, they included separate mini-catalogs with some of their other products, too.

Now granted, these notes were from online businesses, but there’s every reason in the world for you to use the same technique in your business, especially if it’s a retail business, or you have a lot of foot traffic.

Put one in every bag you give a customer, or staple it to the invoice. It can be a note, a postcard, a short letter, or whatever… but do it!

Your only cost is printing, and the extra profits will be well worth it.

If you’d like to take advantage of this technique in your business, contact me, and I’ll be happy to help you get it done!

If you want help with your marketing strategy, writing effective sales copy, have any comments, or have a marketing project you’d like help with, e-mail me or call me at 603-686-5140

If you need help with website design, writing SEO optimized web copy, email marketing, or other online marketing strategies, I can help!

To your marketing success!

Merrill Clark

Website and Marketing Copywriter

Join my discussion by leaving a comment below…



5 ways to get more clients from your home page

A stupid website mistake that will cost you dearly

Many businesses make this very common website copy mistake

And if not fixed, it’s virtually guaranteed to cost you sales and profits – for two very different reasons.

But the good part… is it’s easy to fix!

First reason…

If you own a New Hampshire business and have a website, I bet you’ve wondered if there was a fast and easy way to make sure your website comes up higher when someone does a local search for your service or product.

For example, someone going to Google, and searching for a plumber hooksett nh or portsmouth nh small business lawyer.

Unfortunately, there’s no magic pill for improving your search ranking, but there is one simple thing you can (and should) do that can help you improve your rankings over time.

And it’s so basic, you may slap yourself in the head and say…

“Why didn’t I think of that?”

Simply make sure your company name and address is displayed somewhere on every page of your website. This includes your city and state. Use text and don’t embed them in a graphic or picture. When I write any web copy for my clients, I include it at the end of every page.

Always remember … The search engines read words – just like we do.

The second reason this is as important as the first…

People are very busy, not to mention lazy… and if they found your website, but can’t quickly ans easily find how to contact you, they’ll simply go to the next website. They don’t have  the time or patience to navigate all over your website just to find your phone number or e-mail address.

Where is your contact information? (Leave your reply in the white box below)

If you want help with your marketing strategy, writing effective sales copy, have any comments, or have a marketing project you’d like help with, e-mail me or call me at 603-686-5140

If you need help with website design, writing SEO optimized web copy, email marketing, or other online marketing strategies, I can help!

To your marketing success!

Merrill Clark

Website and Marketing Copywriter

Join my discussion by leaving a comment below…



5 ways to get more clients from your home page

Make your website’s home page a client magnet

5 ways to get more clients from your website’s home page

If you want to attract more qualified visitors to your small business website, and want to convert more of those readers to clients, then your home page needs these 5 things.

(If you don’t have a business website… shame on you, but that’s another topic)

Go ahead and look at yours… see how it measures up.

  1. There must be an eyeball grabbing headline that immediately tells the reader they’re in the right place.
  2. The copy needs to be compelling and conversational, so people will want to read more. Don’t be afraid to show your personality (without going overboard, of course.) Make the words fun and easy to read.
  3. Make sure your copy talks about the reader, not about you. (we call it “reader focused”. What’s in it for them? How can you solve their problem?
  4. Optimize your home page for your SEO (search engine optimization) using your primary keywords in the headlines, the copy, and the links to other pages. Just make sure not to stuff a bunch of them in the copy for the sake of using them.
  5. Show the benefits your reader will get from your product or service — don’t just rattle off product features and specs.

If your home page doesn’t get the results you’d like, usually because it’s missing one of these 5 components, I can help, so get in touch with me for more information.

Merrill’s use of words make the “face” of my site capture reader’s attention, and focuses on them to compel them to read the whole page and more. If you want your website copy to convey your sales message in the best possible light, I strongly urge you to talk to Merrill.  He’s worth every penny and much more!
Beth Frede, Home Stager –

What do you think? (Leave your reply in the white box below)

If you want help with your marketing strategy, writing effective sales copy, have any comments, or have a marketing project you’d like help with, e-mail me or call me at 603-686-5140

If you need help with website design, writing SEO optimized web copy, email marketing, or other online marketing strategies, I can help!

To your marketing success!

Merrill Clark

Website and Marketing Copywriter

Join my discussion by leaving a comment below…



5 ways to get more clients from your home page

A Trade Show mistake most exhibitors and attendees make

If you made an appearance at the well-attended Seacoast Business Expo, you were probably there for one of two reasons…

A… Your business paid for a booth to generate some new sales leads and connections for your company…

Or B… You were there to wander about the exhibitors, and make some new connections, (or secretly, maybe scoping out your competition).

Either way, the primary goal is usually to build new relationships, which turn into new business.

And no matter which side of the table you were on, I wonder if you made the common mistake most people mistake.

That mistake is… not following up with people you meet…

Now before you get all huffy – answer this question…

Did you have to empty your pockets of the big stack of business cards you collected?

If you did, did you take the time to follow up with those people – with an e-mail, a letter, or a card?

My experience was that out of all the cards I handed out to exhibitors 2 weeks ago, only 1 company ever bothered to follow up with me.

Pretty sad, if you ask me… Especially since I was interested in using services from a couple others, but their lack of interest turned me off.

On the other side, I called or e-mailed people I talked with who are potential clients or partners, and will continue to follow up with them.

The moral of this story is:

Always follow up with people you connect with at trade shows. Not to mention it’s just the right thing to do, but your next big client could be waiting for your next move.

What do you think? (Leave your reply in the white box below)

If you want help with your marketing strategy, writing effective sales copy, have any comments, or have a marketing project you’d like help with, e-mail me or call me at 603-686-5140

If you need help with website design, writing SEO optimized web copy, email marketing, or other online marketing strategies, I can help!

To your marketing success!

Merrill Clark

Website and Marketing Copywriter

Join my discussion by leaving a comment below…


What’s your business building marketing list strategy?

Here’s a simple way to build your list of customers and prospects

It’s been a while since I talked about how critical it is for your business to have a list of interested prospects and customers to connect with on a regular basis.

When you have a list of names and email addresses from people who have given you permission to contact them, plus consistently educate them, with a sprinkling of marketing messages, it can be like money in the bank.

On your website, it’s as simple as having a spot for your visitors to put their names and email addresses.

And if you have a brick and mortar business or retail store, put an email sign-up sheet on the counter for customers to receive important news and special offers from you.

Even if they don’t initially buy, at least you’ll have contact information to use in email marketing campaigns.

 What do you think? (Leave your reply in the white box below)

If you want help with your marketing strategy, writing effective sales copy, have any comments, or have a marketing project you’d like help with, e-mail me or call me at 603-686-5140

If you need help with website design, writing SEO optimized web copy, email marketing, or other online marketing strategies, I can help!

To your marketing success!

Merrill Clark

Website and Marketing Copywriter

Join my discussion by leaving a comment below…