Today is Part 6 of the 15 Profitable Marketing Power Tips you should use in every marketing or advertising technique you use to promote your business.
Would you like to get better response from your sales copy and marketing materials?
Of course you would.
Many business professionals think that “selling” your products and services in you marketing copy is the best way.
But does that technique consistently work?
Not usually. That’s because most people don’t like to get sold.
Fortunately, there is a better way…
Profitable Marketing Power Tip #6:
Educate your prospects instead of selling them.
Most people would rather get good information about their problem instead of being sold.
So instead of doing what everyone else does, create a special report or brochure that gives away some valuable information (not your deepest secrets, of course), and let your prospects come to their own conclusion that you are the best solution to their problem.
Make sure your information is so valuable, they wouldn’t think of looking anywhere else.
Let me know your thoughts on this…
To check out the previous tips you may have missed, the links are below:
Part 1 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 2 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 3 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 4 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 5 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
To your marketing success!
Merrill Clark
Website and Marketing Copywriter