The final tip of the 15 Profitable Marketing Power Tips that should be used in every marketing or advertising technique you use to promote your business is finally here.
If you own or manage a business, and are responsible for generating new prospects and clients with advertising, then you can use this technique to increase response to any of your sales copy.
Today’s tip is about a technique often used by copywriters to be write more persuasive sales copy, and it will work in any media.
Think about this for a second…
Wouldn’t it be nice if you didn’t have to sell your products and services to your prospects?
What if somehow, your prospects could sell themselves on your services?
Well – if your copy is good, they can.
I’m sure you’ve seen ads and sales letters that are an obvious pitch to convince you to buy something (which isn’t a bad thing).
The problem though, is people are super skeptical these days, and they hate to be sold to, so they ignore most sales messages they see.
So what can you do to overcome this?
Through your copy, you deliver your sales message in a way that doesn’t look like a sales message.
Instead, use a short story showing how your service was a hero to the main character, and make the prospect feel like he was the main character.
Then use proof, testimonials, and studies to imply your service is exactly what they need, without coming right out and saying so.
And they’ll come to the obvious conclusion they need you, and they’d be stupid not to use your services.
Profitable Marketing Power Tip #14:
Use stories and other proof factors in your copy. Your prospects will see the implied benefits your services offer, and basically sell themselves on the fact they need you. And all without using a “hard sell”.
This doesn’t always work, but it works enough to test it in your copy.
Do you agree?
To check out the previous tips you may have missed, the links are below:
Part 1 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 2 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 3 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 4 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 5 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 6 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 7 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 8 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 9 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 10 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 11 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 12 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 13 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
Part 14 marketing & advertising power tips for NH small business owners
To your marketing success!
Merrill Clark
Website and Marketing Copywriter